Friday, February 10, 2006

Who we are?

Day in and day out
I ask this question
To myself and to the people around
and to others who are on this ground

I ask them the same question
of which they seldom have a different answer
They say they're here for a cause
A cause that is controlled from the beyond
Oh how wrong they are
Because no one knows who we are

They say they are here for the masses
And they say they are here to smell the roses
Little they know that the masses move away
and the roses they smell always fade away
What remains behind is themselves
An identity they want to preserve as star
Always bright and full of hopes
Oh how wrong they are
Because no one knows who we are


This is my first poem ever.
I know it sounds stupid but this reflects my mood today.
And don't worry I won't bore you fellas with more poems. Its just once in a bluemoon kind of an activity.


Blogger alice said...

what's up with Hot raul..tday...dont think too much..give urself a break...get a beer..
when we've robber TH...i m sure u wont be sulking... :D

5:54 AM, February 10, 2006  
Blogger Casablanca said...

Awww... its nice. And we are nothing more than toys for God I think. So lets entertain ourselves, and Him, till we are here. What say? :)

9:21 PM, February 12, 2006  
Blogger Life 2.0 said...

"Because no one knows who we are "....turning more n more philosphical by the day :) Kudos dude! Awesome beginning to an alternate career? ;)

12:52 AM, February 13, 2006  
Blogger ~RAUL~ said...

Alice Na na it was just one of those stupid days when everything went wrong. Am back to normal. And I hate TH too !!!

Casa Thanks :). Yeah my mantra is lets entertain ourselves and others too. For there is nothing better than making others laugh !!!

Tarun Na its just frustration. And yeah I can make it as an alternate career. Just need a publisher to take some risk :d :d

11:21 PM, February 14, 2006  
Blogger Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

tat wasnt by any standards stupid,
amazingly well written

11:41 PM, February 14, 2006  
Blogger Abdul Bijur V.A. said...

amazingly stupid poem !!

i can tell u a 1000 songs with the same theme .. lets just stick to what we do best! lets go play some footballll!!! :)

12:39 AM, February 15, 2006  
Blogger anurag said...

Good start, way to go man !

3:02 AM, February 15, 2006  
Blogger Sugar & Spice said...

wah! kya poem hai!

12:21 AM, February 18, 2006  

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