Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Frodo, Bilbo and Gimli

I just can't keep LOTR out of my memory. It's one book that has redefined the world of fantasy for me. So I named my 3 little ones after characters in LOTR(btw for the ppl from other world, LOTR=Lord Of The rings). And yes these little ones are 3 fishes.
It all happened on a lazy friday evening. AGB had this idea of buying a globe and some fishes and I followed him. Well I guess I did the right thing. Went to 3 shops before we could finalize on the globe size and fishes. I got 2 gold fish and a blue colored fighter. AGB took 2 black golds and a red fighter. We even took some plants, white sand and pebbles for them. For the first time in my life I had to pay for stones. Btw here goes the name list :
1) Gold Fish 1 = Frodo
2) Gold Fish 2 = Bilbo
3) Fighter = Gimli
Their first day, rather the first night, was great. All 3 of them looked highly confused especially Gimli. It was roaming around aimlessly. Fed them some food and thats when the fun started. Though Gimli was not eating at that time it wasn't allowing Frodo and Bilbo to eat. It just used to go and hit them from behind. Gimli is still doing the same but I guess Frodo and Bilbo are begining to enjoy that.
Its a great great fun to keep some pets. I now realize. Mom never allowed me to keep a dog at home. She used to say that she is fed up of having 2 pups(me and my sis) and she cannot afford one more :) :).
Holiday time is coming. Hampi, Blore, Pondichey, Udaipur, Mumbai and Kota. Gosh am so so excited. I hope my work won't bother me much. But then what kind of work is it that does not bother you ? ? Am already showing signs of retardation that too on a wednesday.
God help the ppl sitting next to me.
Here I come !!!!


Blogger alosh said...

At Rivendell, from Lord of the Bowl?

11:53 PM, October 04, 2005  
Blogger M said...

Hey nice blog.. btw the puppy in that pic is sooo damn cute! =]

11:54 PM, October 05, 2005  
Blogger ~RAUL~ said...

Figo Oh those were the days...still remember LOTR-ROTK was my first movie @Skyline...

Medha That cute pup never came back. I guess i'll have to wait for another stormy night.
And am nailing you into my wall..u're nail number 7

2:26 AM, October 06, 2005  
Blogger FlyingHigh said...

Nice names, I would have suggested Aragorn. Damn! Why didnt I think of it while naming my labrador pup????

6:32 AM, October 06, 2005  
Blogger pradyot said...

Pray, how much did it cost? I've been wanting to keep some fish too, but I hear that it gets too messy - to clean the bowl and all?

Btw, my route was: neurohavoc -> AGB -> Raul

11:55 PM, October 06, 2005  
Blogger Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

hey they r so cute.... one of my frends is big time into fishes, he recently set up a marine acquarium at his place, but this small one of urz luks cuter ....

so when r u starting on ur trip??sounds like so much fun...pics plz

2:42 AM, October 14, 2005  

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