Thursday, September 08, 2005

Pluto - Isn't the name fascinating ?

PLUTO - This name has been haunting me since my brain started remembering things. Have been hearing this name everywhere. Everywhere. Some of the questions that come to my mind on a weekly basis
1) How far is PLUTO?
2) How do I go to PLUTO?
3) Would I live longer if I go to PLUTO?
4) What is PLUTO ? How does it look?
5) Why is mickey always in limelight and poor PLUTO is confined to its den?
6) Why is it named PLUTO?
7) Are the actions done by PLUTO called PLUTONIUM?
8) If not then what the hell
9) PLATO - Some distant cousin?
Its been a long suffering but I guess time for truth has come. I know Gaurav would surely had given me some answers. Oh I miss those brainy algebric puzzles on my office desk. I hope that algebra guides me. Still neverland seems so so far...


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