Sunday, November 27, 2005

Fire shots - Never Again!!!

Well its not like I won't have them ever again but just that I won't have 8 shots in a single night.


"Retro Night" at TDS on friday. Me and El met up after some 5-6 months and drinking was bound to occur. Gosh. Within 2 hrs we had all these idiotic/good shots plus a huge amount of bacardi down. Danced for sometime and then it hit. I mean it actually hit. Man we were so so drunk that we were hardly able to move around sanely. Sat in the lifestyle building for the next 1 hr cribbing/bitching about life and society.

After a long discussion she says....
El: Rahul I don't want to get married.
R: Even I don't want to !!!! I hate responsibilites...
El: Cool, we think alike. So lets get married to each other....
R: Smart !!!!

and a 5 min burst of laughter.

Then went to a hotel to have a cup of coffee. Sat there for half and hour with giving the order. Suddenly El says
El: Why the fuck are we sitting here. I hate coffee
R: Yeah true. Me too.

Dropping her back was the biggest challenge. The road was hazy and she was singing on the top of it. The ride back home was even hazier. Totally foggy I must say. I still don't remember the events after that. Just that I woke up in the morning and had no hangover absolutely.
Wow maybe the shots were magical.
I should have more of them this weekend.
Hicccckkkkkkkk !!!!!


Blogger Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

TDS truly rox n yaa u tend to get carried away there ....

(i've never come out of TDS without getting hit!!)

9:13 PM, November 27, 2005  
Blogger ~RAUL~ said...

Swathi Oh yeah very true. This place has some kind of magic. Always takes you high.

BnC is better though!!! :) :)

9:24 PM, November 27, 2005  
Blogger FlyingHigh said...

Did u drink n drive?? Thats time take a rick or a cab :)

10:15 PM, November 27, 2005  
Blogger Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

BnC???? I dun like BnC at all.... Cinnabar Redd is next on moi list

11:20 PM, November 27, 2005  
Blogger ~RAUL~ said...

Shradha Yeah I know. Very bad. Next time i'll be a bit more sane!!!

Swathi Yeps Cinnabar Red is way too cool. Escape still is the number one for me(music wise)....

10:55 PM, November 28, 2005  
Blogger the cowlick said...

I will not be surprised at all if you end up marrying El..

3:30 AM, November 29, 2005  
Blogger M said...

And i agree with Cowlick!!


5:22 PM, November 29, 2005  
Blogger ~RAUL~ said...

Cowlick Are u kidding ?? No chance at all. I hope El is not reading all this 'cause when she does it'll be the end of my days !!!

Medha And you agree? My foot !!!
Read the reply I gave to cowlick.

8:10 PM, November 29, 2005  

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